Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Here's what's new!

Well, I've (Sarah) finally gotten around to posting. These past few months have been very busy. Juliette's birthday and party was lots of fun. Two days after her birthday party, Juliette and I left for Florida with my dad. Juliette did very well on the flight. We had a very nice visit with Great-Grandma and Great Aunt Lois. My grandma was so happy to see her again. Juliette went in a pool for the very first time. She didn't mind the water. She also played with sand and took a dip in the cold Gulf for the first time. My grandma has two cats. This was the first time Juliette had ever met cats. She was enthralled by them. She would get so excited to them when they came out of hiding. After a week in Florida, Juliette and I returned to Illinois without my dad.

Juliette is quite the dancer now. She really gets into the music. It's so cute.

Juliette had her first major bump/bruise. She got clothes-lined by Smudge and his leash and fell face forward into a big rock. When I picked her up, she already had a golf ball sized bump on her head. She didn't cry for too long afterwords except for when I tried to put an ice pack on the bump.

We're finally getting a fence. It should be completed by the end of this week. It'll be so nice to go outside with Juliette and not have to have Smudge on a leash or leave him inside.

Friday, April 9, 2010

8 Days till Party!

I can't believe how fast time goes by. In less than a week my little Sweet Pea will be ONE year old. It truly is amazing how much she has grown and changed over the last year. Over the last couple of months I've been gathering things for her birthday party next Saturday. We're going with a dog theme. I'm going to make her birthday cake (might as well put my decorating classes to work). Grandma has volunteered to take Juliette for an afternoon so that I may decorate without interruptions. We're just having a party with family and Godparents. I didn't feel like doing two parties or having one really big one. We'll invite friends over this summer for a BBQ instead.

Juliette started a music class with the Bloomington Parks and Rec last week. Basically, we just sing and dance for about 45 minutes. Juliette really enjoys being around all the other kids. She definitely is not shy. She usually walks away from me and would rather stand by the other moms and kids. Bryan will be able to come to class this week since he is taking the day off of work to be with Juliette on her birthday.

Grandpa Weldon flies in this Monday for Juliette's birthday and the party. Juliette and I will be flying back down to Florida with him on the 19th since we were able to find a cheap flight. We'll be spending 5 days in Florida. Bryan will remain in Bloomington. It will be very hard for us to be way from him for that long. I'm a little nervous about the flight back IL since I'll be traveling by myself. It'll be an adventure. I'm hoping Juliette will fall asleep right away on the plane.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

More pictures

Click here for more pictures

Juliette climbed into the sideboard and got stuck, so naturally I called for Bryan and then took some pictures.

I can't believe that is has been over two months since my last post. So much has happened since then. Let me begin with the biggest news....Juliette is walking. She is so cute as she cruises around the house. She especially enjoys walking while carrying something. She is quite the explorer, getting into everything. She empties out one of the drawers in the kitchen daily.

We had our first experience with Juliette being sick. She got a stomach bug that was going around, according to the doctor. That's what I get for taking her to the library for a play date. She woke up at 2:30am and threw up all over the bed, keep in mind she was in our bed. Shortly after that she threw up all over me. Poor thing. She got sick a couple more times throughout the day. I guess I can be thankful that she was healthy for 10 months.

Bryan and I have been busy. He's in the midst of studying for an insurance exam for work. He's also been busy watching Purdue and pacing back and forth in the family room. I'm taking a cake decorating class with my friend Michelle. Last week was my first class. Bryan is excited for all the cake he will be getting.

Other big news is that I've made the switch to cloth diapers. I'm sold on them. I really like using them. They are much easier than I thought they would be. I wish I had started using them sooner. It would have saved us lots of money.