Sunday, September 20, 2009

With great suprise today, I discovered that Juliette's two lower front teeth have already cut through her gums. My little girl is growing up. I did not expect this so soon. This probably explains her increased irritability and difficulty sleeping at night.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Learned something new.

Yesterday, Bryan and I decided to attend our church's Irish Pumpkin Festival/chicken dinner with Juliette. Juliette, however, had other plans. She did not enjoy the Festival at all. She cried, more like wailing, the entire time under the big tent. She did not like all the people or the loud music. We had tried giving her a bottle, walking her outside the tent away from the noise, which helped a bit. We ate our meals in shifts. Finally, we decided to leave before we had even finished our desserts. We just couldn't get her calmed down. Now, I was fully prepared for her to cry the entire way home since she doesn't enjoy being in her car seat. However, as soon as I put her in her car seat she calmed down. Conclusion: Juliette does not like loud music with lots of people.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Juliette continues to amaze us. After her shots she had a bad week. She was extremely cranky. She wasn't sleeping through the night, waking up every 2 hours screaming. Luckily, whatever was bothering her whether it was illness or a growth spurt it has passed. This past week she started to eat solids. She seems to like it. The key is to feed her in the mornings when she has the most patience. So far she has had rice cereal and squash. Tomorrow she gets to try either apples or sweet potatoes.

Juliette is getting much more vocal. She's making all sorts of sounds. Juliette enjoys being held, carried in the sling, jumping in her jumperoo, playing peek a boo, and playing with mom and dad. Juliette is even kind enough to play by herself sometimes so that I can get some things done. She also enjoys our daily outings. I try to get out of the house everyday with her for a change in scenery. She enjoys going grocery shopping with me. She especially loves all the compliments she gets from strangers while we're out, many comments about her big blue eyes.

Smudge has really warmed up to Juliette. He'll give her kisses which she smiles at. He is extremely protective of her when we go on walks in the subdivision. He goes nuts when anyone approaches unless its a construction worker. For some reason he doesn't bark at them.

This past Sunday, we went to 7:30 am mass. Juliette was very good except for when she decided to babble during quiet times. The acoustics in the church made her seem really loud. I guess I should be grateful that she wasn't crying.

On Saturday she got to have some Daddy-Daughter time while I went to a baby shower. She was very good for Bryan, much better than in the past. They enjoyed watching the Purdue Football game. Each time Purdue got a touchdown he would raise her in the air and do push-up with her.

It's hard to believe that next week she will be 5 months old.