Monday, February 23, 2009

Dreams: 1 Girl, 1 Boy

The crazy dreams have begun. Last week, I dreamed I had a girl. An ugly girl with missing teeth, who could walk and talk only days after delivery. The other weird part of the dream was that we were still going to our birthing classes and brought her with us. In my other dream, I had a normal boy, who I took out of the maternity ward before I was supposed to (avoiding the security alarms they told us about during our birthing class). I took the baby to my old house in Michigan where I asked my dad to watch the baby while I packed my overnight back. I was all worried in the dream that I was going to get in trouble. There were other crazy aspects of the dream as well, but they are too complicated to explain.

I'm still hanging in there.

I'm in the final stretch now. Less than 2 months to go. I'm still feeling pretty good. No swelling. Some days by the evening though, it really does feel like I'm carrying a bowling ball in my stomach especially if I'm just standing in one spot. My first graders keep me pretty active which helps a lot. We finished our birthing class this weekend. We got to learn about all the "fun" stuff that will happen to me during labor and delivery. We still have a couple other classes to attend on breast feeding and the first couple of weeks after Baby K is born. My next appointment is Monday, March 2. At the end of March I'll have another sonogram to see how Baby K is measuring. With that information, my doctor will decide on our delivery options.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Week 31

Week 29

It's been way too long.

We had an appointment for Baby K this morning. Everything is still going well. I measured 32 cm. Bryan and I started our Child Birth education class this month. For Valentine's Day, Bryan and I did some major cleaning in the house and spent the evening seeing Jeff Dunham, a ventriloquist comedian. I've been feeling good except for the heart burn, but I've been able to keep it under control for the most part. We've already started to get baby items in the mail. My aunt and cousin sent us Baby K's high chair. Bryan put it together right away even though we won't need it for awhile.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Week 29 Doctor Visit and Photo Session

We got to have another look at Baby K today. Everything looks great: two kidneys, fuctioning bladder. Currently, Baby K's estimated weight is 4 pounds which is on the larger side. Baby K has the potential to be a 9 pound baby! We'll have to have another sonogram at Week 37 to check our baby's growth and see if I will go into labor early or if we will need to induce labor sooner than our due date of April 21st to make things a little bit easier for me. It was amazing to see our baby again. I got all teary eyed when I saw the face. For me, the best and most interesting part of the sonogram was seeing Baby K's spine. I could see every bone.